Xlsx Reader

Read xls and xlsx files. Readexcel calls excelformat to determine if path is xls or xlsx, based on the file extension and the file itself, in that order. Use readxls and readxlsx directly if you know better and want to prevent such guessing. SysTools XLSX Viewer Tool is the best rated free Excel file reader software to open, & view damaged, corrupt XLSX files. With XLSX file opener, users can view all kinds of Excel Spreadsheet files:“Protected,” “Marked as Final,” and “Strict Open XML (XLSX) created by Excel, MS Office (Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, and 2007), Libre Spreadsheet, G Suite Spreadsheet, Office 365 Excel. XLS Reader is a simple freeware for viewing spreadsheet documents created by Microsoft Excel, a completely free Excel file viewer. Read Excel with Python Pandas. Read Excel files (extensions.xlsx,.xls) with Python Pandas. To read an excel file as a DataFrame, use the pandas readexcel method. You can read the first sheet, specific sheets, multiple sheets or all sheets. Pandas converts this to the DataFrame structure, which is a tabular like structure.

Opens XLSX workbook and reads its worksheets.


Sheet contents

Sheets are loaded on-demand by sheet/3 and sheets/2.

The sheet contents is returned as a list of lists:

The behavior of the sheet parser can be customized for eachindividual sheet, see sheet/3.

Cell types

This library takes a best effort approach for determining cell types.In order of priority, the actual type of an XLSX cell value is determined using:

  1. basic cell properties (e.g. boolean)
  2. predefined known styles (e.g. default money/date formats)
  3. introspection of the custom format string associated with the cell

Custom formats supported by default

  • percentages
  • ISO 8601 date/time (y-m-d)
  • US date/time (m/d/y)
  • European date/time (d/m/y)

Additional custom formats support

If the spreadsheet you need to process contains some unusual cell formatting, youmay provide hints to map format strings to a known cell type.

The hints are given as a list of {matcher, type} tuples. The matcher is either astring or regex to match against the custom format string. The supported types are:

  • :string
  • :number
  • :percentage
  • :date
  • :time
  • :date_time
  • :unsupported (used for explicitly unsupported styles and formats)


To find out what custom formats are in use in the workbook, you can inspect package.workbook.custom_formats:


Error tuple with message describing the cause of the error

List of cell values

List of rows

Sheet name

Source for the XLSX file: file system (:path) or in-memory (:binary)

Option to specify the XLSX file source


Loads all the sheets in the workbook concurrently.

Opens an XLSX file located on the file system (default) or from memory.

Loads the sheet with the given name (see sheet_names/1)

Lists the names of the sheets in the package's workbook

Loads all the sheets in the workbook.


Error tuple with message describing the cause of the error


List of cell values


List of rows


Sheet name


Source for the XLSX file: file system (:path) or in-memory (:binary)


Option to specify the XLSX file source

Xlsx readerXlsx reader online

Loads all the sheets in the workbook concurrently.

On success, returns {:ok, [{sheet_name, rows}, ...]}.

Xlsx Reader Online

When processing files with multiple sheets, async_sheets/3 is ~3x faster than sheets/2but it comes with a caveat. async_sheets/3 uses Task.async_stream/3 under the hood and thusruns each concurrent task with a timeout. If you expect your dataset to be of a significant size,you may want to increase it from the default 10000ms (see 'Concurrency options' below).

If the order in which the sheets are returned is not relevant for your application, you canpass ordered: false (see 'Concurrency options' below) for a modest speed gain.

Filtering options

See sheets/2.

Xlsx Reader Win 10

Sheet options

See sheet/2.

Concurrency options

Xlsx Reader Android

  • max_concurrency - maximum number of tasks to run at the same time (default: System.schedulers_online/0)
  • ordered - maintain order consistent with sheet_names/1 (default: true)
  • timeout - maximum duration in milliseconds to process a sheet (default: 10_000)


Opens an XLSX file located on the file system (default) or from memory.


Opening XLSX file on the file system

Opening XLSX file from memory


  • source: :path (on the file system, default) or :binary (in memory)
  • supported_custom_formats: a list of {regex | string, type} tuples (see 'Additional custom formats support')


Loads the sheet with the given name (see sheet_names/1)


  • type_conversion - boolean (default: true)
  • blank_value - placeholder value for empty cells (default: ')
  • empty_rows - include empty rows (default: true)
  • number_type - type used for numeric conversion :Integer, Decimal or Float (default: Float)
  • skip_row?: function callback that determines if a row should be skipped. Takes precedence over blank_value and empty_rows. Defaults to nil (keeping the behaviour of blank_value and empty_rows).
Xlsx Reader

The Decimal type requires the decimal library.


Skipping rows

When using the skip_row? callback, rows are ignored in the parser which is more memory efficient.


Lists the names of the sheets in the package's workbook


Loads all the sheets in the workbook.

On success, returns {:ok, [{sheet_name, rows}, ...]}.

Filtering options

  • only - include the sheets whose name matches the filter
  • except - exclude the sheets whose name matches the filter

Sheets can filtered by name using:

  • a string (e.g. 'Exact Match')
  • a regex (e.g. ~r/Sheet +/)
  • a list of string and/or regexes (e.g. ['Parameters', ~r/Sheet [12]/])

Sheet options

See sheet/2.

EasyXLS Excel library can be used to import Excel files in C++. The integration varies depending on the project technique, if .NET Framework can be used or not.

1. EasyXLS using COM+ for projects without .NET Framework

2. EasyXLS in C++.NET projects using .NET Framework

EasyXLS using COM+ for projects without .NET Framework

If you opt for the COM+ version of EasyXLS, be sure that you have EasyXLS installed and registered on your machine.

Step 1: Download and install EasyXLS Excel Library for .NET/COM+

To download the trial version of EasyXLS Excel Library, press the below button:

If you already own a license key, you may login and download EasyXLS from your account.

Step 2: Verify if EasyXLS is registered

Check if EasyXLS component is present in Component Services.

See also

Step 3: Run C++ code that reads XLSX file

Execute the following C++ code that imports an XLSX file.

C++ and .NET Framework
This tutorial is valid for C++ applications that cannot use .NET Framework. It is recommended, for better performances, that if the C++ application already uses or can use .NET Framework to make use of this similar code sample.
Overloaded methods
For methods with same name but different parameters, only the first method overload retains the original name. Subsequent overloads are uniquely renamed by appending to the method name '_2', '_3', etc (method, method_2, method_3), an integer that corresponds to the order of declaration that can be found in EasyXLS.h, a file that comes with EasyXLS installation.

EasyXLS in C++.NET projects using .NET Framework

If you opt for the .NET Framework version of EasyXLS, you need a C++.NET project and to include EasyXLS.dll into project.

Find more about Getting Started with EasyXLS

Step 1: Download and install EasyXLS Excel Library for .NET

To download the trial version of EasyXLS Excel Library, press the below button:

If you already own a license key, you may login and download EasyXLS from your account.

Step 2: Include EasyXLS library into project

EasyXLS.dll must be added to your project. EasyXLS.dll can be found after installing EasyXLS, in 'Dot NET version' folder.

Step 3: Run C++ code that reads XLSX file

Execute the following C++ code that imports an XLSX file.

Related sections

See also

How to import Excel to list?

Available for .NET only

How to import Excel to SQL table?

How to import Excel to DataTable?

How to import Excel to GridView?

How to import Excel to DataGridView?

How to import Excel to DataSet?

How to import Excel to DataGrid?

Related methods

Available for .NET only