Udmx Driver Download

Windows driver needs a windows programmer with a windows box; External object for PureData is planned Download. Udmx12.tar.gz (315kB) includes the original Eagle-Light files for schematics and board layout, the firmware and bootloader, and a handy external for MAX/MSP (Mac only, for the moment. We’d love to get some help from someone. This page contains the driver installation download for uDMX in supported models (X555LA) that are running a supported operating system. 2K=Windows 2000, 2K3= Windows 2003, XP= Windows XP, VISTA = Windows Vista, WIN7 = Windows 7,WIN10= Windows 10 Driver name. UDMX comes with a handy external object for Max/MSP to control dimmers or other DMX equipment directly from Max/MSP: Hardware uDMX is built around a ATMEL ATMega8 microcontroller, very few external parts are used, thanks to Objective Development s firmware only usb driver. The key is to follow the instructions for the 'Driver Install Creator Wizard'. You need to create a driver for the uDMX interface. Programs and Modules tryusb.py Program. This was my first learning tool. It does the following: Locates the uDMX interface. Prints some information about the interface. I made uDMX working too on Windows 10 The driver to use is: libUSB-win32 v1.2.6.0 The main issue is that driver are not-signed. In order to install them there is a complex method. However, I found a tool named 'Zadig' it helps installing usb driver unsigned.

Zadig is a Windows application that installs generic USB drivers, such as WinUSB, libusb-win32/libusb0.sys or libusbK, to help you access USB devices.

It can be especially useful for cases where:

  • you want to access a device using a libusb-based application
  • you want to upgrade a generic USB driver
  • you want to access a device using WinUSB

Note:'libusb-based' above means an application that uses either libusb, libusb-win32 or libusbK.


Updated 2020.03.28:

See More Results

  • Zadig 2.5 (4.9 MB)

System Requirements:

Windows 7 or later.
Windows XP and Windows Vista are NO LONGER SUPPORTED.


Download the executable and run it — no installation is necessary.
If elevation is required, you will be prompted for it.

An usage guide for Zadig is available HERE.

The executable is digitally signed and the signature should state: 'Akeo Consulting'


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A Zadig FAQ is available HERE.

To provide feedback, report a bug or request an enhancement please use the github issue tracker. Or you can send an e-mail.


GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
You are free to distribute, modify or even sell the software, insofar as you respect the GPLv3 license.


Udmx Driver Download Windows 10

Zadig is based on libwdi which uses an LGPL version 3 or later license.

The executable is produced in a 100% transparent manner, from its public source, using a Visual Studio environment.


  • Version 2.5 (2020.03.28)
    • Fix .cat generation for some user directories with non western characters
    • Fix update check
    • Improve error reporting
    • Embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0, libusbK v3.0.7.0 & usbser (native)

Source Code

  • libwdi 1.3.1 source (320 KB). Includes Zadig in the examples directory.
  • Alternatively, you can clone the git repository using:
  • For more information, see the github project.
If you are a developer, you are very much encouraged to tinker with Zadig/libwdi and submit patches.