Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List

Struktur data queue (antrian) dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan array maupun linked list sebagai penyimpanan datanya. Dalam contoh program berikut ini saya gunakan double linked list untuk implementasi queue. Secara umum, operasi dalam queue ada 2 yang utama yaitu enqueue dan dequeue. Enqueue berarti memasukkan item baru ke dalam antrian. Sedangkan dequeue untuk mengeluarkan item dari antrian. Queue bersifat FIFO, First In First Out. Prerequisite – Circular Singly Linked List. C or C++ program for insertion and. Note: In case of linked list implementation, a queue can be easily.

I have some problems that code. I read file in code and build one stack and one queues structure. But the code wasn't run correctly.

This is Node classI used Double LinkedList

** this is stack class. **

Implementasi Queue dengan Double Linked List Selain menggunakan array, queue juga dapat dibuat dengan linked list. Metode linked list yang digunakan adalah double linked list. Operasi-operasi Queue dengan Double Linked List:. IsEmpty Fungsi IsEmpty berguna untuk mengecek apakah queue masih kosong atau sudah berisi data. Jun 21, 2011 Struktur data queue (antrian) dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan array maupun linked list sebagai penyimpanan datanya. Dalam contoh program berikut ini saya gunakan double linked list untuk implementasi queue. Secara umum, operasi dalam queue ada 2 yang utama yaitu enqueue dan dequeue. Enqueue berarti memasukkan item baru ke dalam antrian.

This is Queues Class

This is Queues Class

  1. Senarai Berantai atau Linked List mempunyai bentuk dasar dengan sifat data disisipkan ke dalam senarai melalui salah satu ujungnya. Operasi Dasar dalam Senarai Berantai Insert menyatakan operasi untuk memasukkan data kedalam Senarai Berantai pada posisi yang ditunjuk oleh Pointer pertama.
  2. Linked List atau dikenal juga dengan sebutan senarai berantai adalah struktur data yang terdiri dari urutan record data dimana setiap record memiliki field yang menyimpan alamat/referensi dari record selanjutnya (dalam urutan). Elemen data yang dihubungkan dengan link pada Linked List disebut Node.

1 Answer

Ok, so you have a couple of problems. I'm going to point out a few and let you work to fix the rest because this looks like an assignment and I don't want to do your homework for you :).

First, when you read from the file be careful not to ignore the first element:

Notice that unlike your solution I first do the push y.Push(line) so that we don't forget to add whatever is already read into line. Same goes for the queue file:

Just add it if it's not null and then read the next line. You were always missing on the first element from the file.

Another problem is the Queues class (which by the way is misspelled you should replace O with Q). This one is not working properly because you forgot to increment and decrement the size when you insert or remove.

Notice that at the end of insert I'm increasing the size so that the list method doesn't throw a NullPointerException every time we call it. Same goes for the remove method:

Please also notice that your check before (if(head.nexttail)) was also throwing NullPointerException because at the beginning the head is always null so you cannot access the next member. Finally I've made a small improvement to the list method as well so that we return earlier:

Download drama korea who are you school 2015 episode 13. Notice the return if the Queue is empty, otherwise we will attempt to do tail.getNext() which will always throw a NullPointerException.

Some important thoughts about the code in generalPlease avoid weird naming. Why Queues? There is just one so it should be Queue.Please avoid weird variable names. Your code is not just for you, chances are someone else might need to read and it gets hard to know who it is s, y, k, fwy and fwk. Why not naming them like this:

And the same goes for methods . Why Push, Pop and Top are the only methods that start with upper-case letterMicrosoft visual basic 2008 express edition registration key download free. ? If you don't agree with the standard Java naming convention that is fine but at least be consistent :).

Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List Powerpoint

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Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List

Try the suggested improvements and see how your program it's working. I'm almost sure there are more problems with it. If you can't figure them out yourself leave a comment and I will help you. Good luck!


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class item //atau node/simpul
public int data; // data item
public item next; // next node link in list
public item prev; // previous node link in list
public item(int id) // constructor
data = id; // initialize data
} // set to null)
public void displayLink() // display ourself
System.out.print('{' + data + '} ');
} // end class Link
class StackLinkList
private item top; // ref to first link on list
private item bottom; // ref to last link on list
public StackLinkList() // constructor

Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List C++

top = bottom = null; // no items on list yet
public boolean isEmpty() // true if list is empty
return (topnull);
public void push(int id) //node baru selalu di top
{ // make new link
item newitem = new item(id);
if (top null) // the first node created
top = bottom = newitem; // first --> newLink
else // the second node and the next node
{ = newitem; //next dr top (awal) diarahkan ke node baru
newitem.prev = top; //prev dr node baru diarahkan ke tail (awal)
top = newitem; //top (baru) diarahkan ke node baru
public item pop() // delete first item
{ item temp = null;
if (top null) // stack is empty
System.out.println('Stack is empty');
else if (top bottom) // stack is only one data
temp = top;
top = bottom = null;
else // stack has more than one data
temp = top; // save reference to link
top = top.prev; // delete it: first-->old next = null;
return temp;
public void display()
item current = bottom; // start from the first data
while(current != null) // until end of list,
current.displayLink(); // print data

Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List Pdf

current =; // move to next link
} // end class LinkList
class StackLinkListApp
public static void main(String[] args)
StackLinkList theStack = new StackLinkList(); // make new list
System.out.println('Initializing Stack..');
theStack.push(22); // insert four items
System.out.println('Display Forward :');
theStack.display(); // display list
System.out.println('Delete Stack from Top..');
while( !theStack.isEmpty() ) // until it's empty,
item aLink = theStack.pop(); // delete link
System.out.print('Deleted '); // display it

Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List Example

Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List Adalah

theStack.display(); // display list
} // end main()