Rig Veda Kannada Pdf

  1. Rig Veda Shraddha Prayoga Kannada Pdf
  2. Rig Veda In Kannada Pdf

Mahaitareyopanishat Bhashya of Acharya Madhwa is published in Kannada & Sanskrit PDF Format

The Rigveda praises all things, that is, God has given light to the properties of all substances, so the intellect people should read the Rigveda first and take all the things from God to earth, for the sake of benefiting in the world. The meaning of the word Rigveda is that in order to describe the qualities and nature of all substances, the word 'Rigveda' means means that it is meant for.

The first of the Upanishats commented upon here is the Aitareyopanishad that belongs to a Section of Rig-Veda. This is the favourite Upanishat of Acharya. Hence he has written quite an extensive commentary on this. As he wrote on the entire Upanishat part of the Aranyaka, this Upanishat is also called Mahaitareyopanishat.

  • ನಾಲ್ಕು ವೇದಗಳು (Nalku Vedagalu): Four Vedas (Kannada) FREE Delivery Bestseller $ 69.00 FREE Delivery. Bestseller (Rated 1.0) Add to Cart. Ships in 1-3 days. Notify when Available. Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda (Set of 7 Books).
  • Veda, rigveda, Rigveda Samhitha Audio and Text Bhashyam Kannada Language, rugvedam, rigveda, samhita complete audio, and kannada text with bhashya Rig Veda's main theme is basic knowledge covering a wide range of topics as concepts, qualities and characteristics of God, soul and Prakriti (the primary source of nature).
  • The Rig Veda is the oldest of the four Vedas. It consists of hymns which are generally thought to have been composed between 1500 and 1000 BCE, although this chronology has been challenged lately, and it is possible that they are significantly older. The other three include the Samaveda, the.

This Upanishat, which stresses the view that all names are the names of God, has not been explained by any other commentator so lucidly as by Madhvacharya. All the other Commentators have given the dictionary meanings of the Mantras. But Acharya gives the rare etymological meaning and thus opens an entirely new horizon before us.

In the beginning of his commentary, Acharya himself has said that Aitareyopanishad descdended from Brahmadeva to the lineage of Seers. The followers of Rig-Veda made its study a part of their tradition. The most mysterious powers of the Narayana Tatva have been presented here.

Rig veda upakarma in kannada pdf

To appreciate the significance, we need to look at this Upanishad. Please Click the link below to have a look at this Wonderful work :


  • Shakala Samhitas

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Rig Veda Shraddha Prayoga Kannada Pdf



A. Nature and Importance:

The Rigveda is the oldest compilation of human wisdom. This Samhita (Collection) is unique in its nature. In fact, it is not a book, but a compilation composed of several books which can be individually distinguished from each other. The present from of this Samhita clearly indicates that the collection is not a single work, but consists of older and later elements. Various indications of language, style and ideas prove this point. Different hymns of this Samhita were composed long before they were systematically arranged. Being a compilation of different stages, there is something which stamps the Rigveda with an individuality of its own. It is much more natural in character and form than other Samhitas.

Rig Veda In Kannada Pdf

The Rigveda represents the earliest sacred book of India. It is oldest and biggest amongst all the four Vedas. All the features of Classical Sanskrit poetry can be traced to the Rigveda. In it we find the seeds of India’s religious and philosophical development. Thus, both for its poetry and its religious and philosophical importance, the Rigveda should be studied by one who wants to understand Indian literature and spiritual culture. The value of the Rigveda today is not confined to India, for its well-preserved language and mythology have helped a better understanding of languages, literatures and cultures of a whole world.

B. Form and Division:

The whole of the Rigveda-Samhita is in form of verses, known as Rik.

‘Rik’ is the name given to those Mantras which are meant for the praise of the deities. Thus the collection (Samhita) of Riks is known as Rigveda-Samhita. Only one recession or school (Shakha) of the Rigveda is available today and it is the Shaakala. The Rigveda Samhita contains about 10552 Mantras, classified into ten books called Mandalas. Each Mandala is divided into several sections called Anuvakas. Each Anuvaka consists of a number of hymns called Suktas and each Sukta is made up of a number of verses called riks. This division of the Rigveda is most popular and systematic. There are two ways of dividing the contents of the Rigveda, but today other division is uncommon among the students of the Veda.

A Sukta is a group of Mantras. The number of Mantras in a Sukta is not fixed. Some Suktas have a small number of Mantras while others have a large number of Mantras. It is important to note that every Sukta has a seer i.e. Rishi, a deity i.e. Devata and a metre i.e. Chandas . The Samhita of the Rigveda comprises 10 Mandalas, 85 Anuvakas, 1028 Suktas and 10552 Mantras. Usually Anuvaka is not mentioned for the reference of a Mantra of the Rigveda. For example RV 3.16.7 simply means the seventh Mantra of the sixteenth Sukta of the third Mandala of the Rigveda.

Through this chart we can know the division of Mandalas, number of Suktas in each Mandala and name of Rishis of some Mandalas.

MandalaSuktasMantrasName of Rishis
011912006Maducchanda, Medhatithi, Gotama and many others
0243429Gritasamada and his family
0362617Vishvamitra and his family
0458589Vamadeva and his family
0587727Atri and his family
0675765Bhardvaja and his family
07104841Vashistha and his family
081031716Kanva, Angira and their family
091141108Soma Devata but different Rishis
101911754Vimada, Indra, Shachi and many other

C. Some Important Hymns:

Among 1028 Suktas of the Rigveda Samhita some suktas are very popular and frequently referred by the readers of Vedas. Some of them are:

  1. Purusha Sukta
  2. Hiranya-garbha Sukta
  3. Dhana-anna-dana Sukta
  4. Aksha Sukta
  5. Nasadiya Sukta
  6. Duhsvapna-nashna Sukta
  7. Yama-yami-samvada Sukta

Besides, there are Suktas offered to different deities, such as, Indra, Maruta, Varuna, Usha, Surya, Bhumi, Soma, Agni etc.
Thus we can briefly say about the contents of Rigveda that it has various subjects, which are narrated by Vedic seers poetically, philosophically or religiously. Major part of the Article contributed by Dr.Shashi Tiwari (Retd.), Sanskrit Department, Delhi University
