Prerequisites for Installing ROM on
- QFiL is an application specially customized to help its users to flash the stock firmware on their Qualcomm chipset-powered devices easily. By the help of Windows PC tool, you can flash the stock firmware or stock recovery on your Qualcomm device without any technical knowledge.
- The Qualcomm Flash Tool can be used to directly download and flash the latest collection firmware to Qualcomm chipset devices. Qualcomm Product Support Tools are the manufacture of Qualcomm Mobility Inc, which is a multi-international company that provides the.
Download latest Qualcomm Flash Image Loader QFIL Tool with installation and How to use guide. You can flash stock ROM on any Qualcomm Device. If you wish, you can quickly flash your qualcomm device using Qcom DLoader Tool. It comes with a simple and easy to use interface which quickly allows. Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFIL) Flash Tool free download. This tool will help you to flash stock firmware on your Qualcomm android devices.
- Download Qualcomm usb Driver
- Download Qualcomm QPST Flash Tool
How to Install ROM
- QPST Tooland Drivers should be installed properly.
- Make sure your device is charged to at least 50%.
- Now, Run QFIL (Qualcomm Flash Image Loader) Tool.
4. Click on Browse… under Select Programmer to choose the .MBN File.
5. As soon as the .MBN file is selected, Select Build will automatically load the Update or Stock ROM.
6. Click on Load XML, select rawprogram_unSParse_without_qcn.xml and then choose Patch0.xml
Qualcomm Flash Tool Linux
Load XML comes with two option:
Qualcomm Flash Tool Download Latest Version
- rawprogram_unSParse_without_qcn.xml : On choosing this file, data will not be lost.
- rawprogram_unSParse.xml : Will lose RF Calibration data, IMEI and WiFi/Bluetooth Address.
7. Switch off the device and connect it to PC while pressing Volume up & Down buttons.
8. Click on Select Port and choose the port.
9. Click on Download to start flashing.
10. Once Finish Download appears, disconnect your device from the PC.
Qualcomm Flash Tool Tutorial
You just successfully flashed the firmware to your device using QPST.
Qualcomm Flash Tool Free Download
11. After flashing process starts, it might take up to 5-10 minutes. So, keep patience and wait