Basic Mikrotik Hotspot Page Template

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Download Template Hotspot Login Mikrotik Gratis Untuk Voucheran - Jika kalian masih menggunakan template hotspot login bawaan mikrotik mungkin kalian harus mencoba template hotspot login mikrotik dibawah ini yang bisa membuat halaman login mikrotik kalian menjadi lebih keren, cool, responsive, unik dan tentunya menarik.

Setting basic Hotspot Mikrotik Mikrotik Router is a router that has full features. One feature that is quite popular and widely used of Mikrotik Router itself is Hotspot. Do you know the difference regular sharing internet with Hotspot? Perhaps you often find wifi internet signal in the password using WPA or WEP. You will be able to surf if you enter the password correctly. So anyone can access the wifi if know his password because the password is only one. Unlike the methods Hotspot, which is where most of the wifi hotspots in the password and any user can connect then be directed to a login page in the Web Browser. Each user can log in with the username and password are different. Such a method is often found in wifi Cafe, school, college, or other public areas.

By using Mikrotik as a Hotspot, you can configure a wireless network that can only be used with a specific username and password. You also can perform management against these users. For example, set the total duration of use per user hotspot, limit how much data can be downloaded for each user, set any content that is accessible to the user, etc.

Okay, already know what are the advantages and features Mikrotik hotspot. Now Mikrotik Further Study abroad directly into her practice. We start with a basic configuration hotspot his first yes.

Basic Mikrotik Hotspot Page Template Free

1. Specify the interface to be created the hotspot. Since we will make the hotspot via wifi then select the WLAN interface. Here I assume using wlan1. Turn wlan1 and using AP Bridge mode, input the SSID (Wireless Name) name of your hotspot.

Template Mikhmon

2. Give wlan1 interface IP address, for example,